Author: Matt-M-McElroy

Streamlining the Site

Due to very infrequent use other than by the spammers, I have removed the message boards from the site. I apologize to those few who did use them for their intended purpose, but the amount of maintenance which had to…

Jim Ward joins Troll Lord Games

Troll Lord Games welcomed James M. Ward to the Troll Dens today. Mr.Ward of METAMORPHOSIS ALPHA and TSR fame has come onboard as Managing Editor for the CRUSADER magazine. With his arrival, CRUSADER becomes a monthly magazine with lots of…

Colonial Gothic: Secrets

They hide in the shadows of the hallows. They lurk in the alleys of New York. They slink along the docks of Charleston. What are they? Secrets. From societies, to hidden magic, secrets beat through the veins of the colonies.…